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Manjima Misra

Author | Educator | Columnist

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Manjima Misra is a Delhi-based writer and educator. She has written four books which are titled Indian Feminine Fury, Unapologetically Mad, The Ocean is Her Title, and Detectives of Autumn House. She has been a columnist for The Indian Express, The Quint, Outlook India, Deccan Herald, Newslaundry, The Telegraph, Firstpost and Feminism in India.

Manjima loves conceptualizing, ideating and writing literary fiction and strives to be innovative with each book that she writes. 

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Manjima Misra's Latest Releases

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"The Ocean is Her Title is a book that you have to use in the classroom, it is a very literary piece of work and not your everyday novel."

- Professor Shelmi Sankhil,

School of Letters, Ambedkar University Delhi


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Other Books by Manjima Misra

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Reviews of 'The Ocean is Her Title'

"Manjima Misra masterfully crafts a novella that tugs at the heartstrings while offering a thought-provoking exploration of the challenges women face in modern society. It is a must-read for anyone seeking a gripping story of resilience, family, and the pursuit of one's dreams amidst the trials of life. It is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and a reminder that, even in the most unexpected circumstances, one can find the courage to chart their own course." 

- Jitendra Dixit,

Award-winning Journalist and Author

"The Ocean Is Her Title by Manjima Misra is the closest that any Indo-Anglian author has come to the sensibility of Kafka’s The Metamorphosis. No one can miss its poignancy, thanks to the tragic sense subsumed in Poulomi, transfixed between poetry and pathology, struggling through a welter of feelings, incapacities, and anxieties to shore up her beleaguered existential coherence. Here the poetry of a fractured existence is sung as sincerely as may be expected only from one who has seen it all from within. As a result, the narration is distinguished by sincerity. The novella merits a read, perhaps more than a read, especially by those who regard the human condition with creeping anxiety as to where we are headed, what we are out to achieve, and at what cost." 

-Valson Thampu,

Former Principal, St Stephen's College 

"From time immemorial women have shown their resilience through their creative outlook and have gone on to validate the healing power of words. Hilda Doolittle, Virginia Woolf, Sylvia Plath, Kamala Das, Adrienne Rich, among a million others are known for dovetailing the everyday with avant garde. Manjima Misra pays tribute to them and emphasises on the need for inclusivity and intersectionality, artistry and activism. Through Poulomi we are ushered into a new world where the logic of a neurotypical worldview is subverted. She makes visible the ingenuity of the invisible."

Swetha Antony,

Professor at Faculty of Arts,

University of Delhi


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